НЕОПУБЛІКОВАНО: #22476: Ivano-Frankivsk, district Uhornyky, Sale of a plot of land for construction in the village of Uhornyki
33 000 USD (2 200 USD ar/sot.)
Property: LandIn usecommission 0%
type of property: land for housing
type of deals: sale
Additional Information
A plot of land for the construction and maintenance of farm buildings and structures on Lvivska street in the village of Uhornyki is for sale. Second row from the road. The shape of the plot is 20 by 54 m. Cadastral number: 2610196601:13:005:0146.
Contact Information
- Name: Роман Глушко
- Phone: +38 050 17XXXXX show
- Phone 2: +38 067 15XXXXX show
- E-mail: roman[a]realtor.if.ua
- Skype: realtor_if
- Site: roman
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