#18390: Verkhovyna Raion, смт. Верховина, Good plot for construction in Verkhovyna

19 900 USD (1 809 USD ar/sot.)
Property: Landcommission 3%
In usetype of property: land for housing
type of deals: sale
A document certifying the ownership: contract of sale
Additional Information
Land plot of 10.5 hundredths for construction in Verkhovyna. Central part of the city, good paved entrance. The place is very promising for doing business. It is possible to divide into two and to put two cottages, around three bases of rest and new cottages. It is possible to exchange for a car or other real estate.
Contact Information
- Name: Роман Глушко
- Phone: +38 (050) 172 XXXXX
- Phone 2: +38 (067) 150 XXXXX show
- Phone: 06715XXXXX show
- E-mail: realtor.office.if[a]gmail.com
- Skype: realtor_if
- Site: andriy
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