#5832: 1-room flat, р-н Київський, For sale 1 bedroom apartment in Odessa to Kiev area

38 000 USD (731 USD m²)
Property: Flatstype of property: Czech / Hungarian / Germantype of deals: sale
A document certifying the ownership: certificate of ownership
Additional Information
Selling one-room apartment, I ul.5-Factory / Zhelyabov half, 52/18/10, room light, 2.9m ceilings, c / a separate tiled, has a gas meter, AGV. Gas stove, pantry, fireplace. Very good condition, floor tile + laminate. Remains all the furniture except the refrigerator. Come and live. Its entrance. Quiet courtyard. Wonderful neighbors. Price 38 tys.ue yes these prices we prevent sleep for a week. Additionally, you can purchase a brick premises under the garage of 20 sq.m. for 4 tys.ue tel. 066-605-77-63 Andrew
Contact Information
- Name: Адміністратор сайту
- Phone: 06660XXXXX show
- E-mail: realtor
- Site: admin
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