#5001: 2-room flat, р-н Дніпровський, Buy 2-bedroom apartment in Kyiv

65 000 USD (1 383 USD m²)
Property: Flatstype of property: Khrushchevkatype of deals: sale
A document certifying the ownership: contract of sale
Additional Information
Dnipro district, Boulevard Ya.Gasheka expanded clay houses 46.3 / 29.5 / 8.4 m. m windows, glazed balcony, s / combined, tile, sanitary, water meter, double security door, intercom, security lock, in good condition, free, and no one is registered, the quiet, green courtyard, near kindergarten, school shops, the net sales.
Contact Information
- Name: Адміністратор сайту
- Phone: 0660400243,0674683305,04459XXXXX show
- E-mail: realtor
- Site: admin
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