#3739: 3-room flat, р-н Деснянський, Apartment on Chestnut Street

4 500 грн per month
Property: Flatstype of property: Czech / Hungarian / Germantype of deals: rent Technics:
washing machine
A document certifying the ownership: contract of sale
Additional Information
Desnyanskyy district, Troeschyna, Kashtanovaya ulytsa.vse Razdelno, kosmetycheskyy repair, glazed tile, counters water, steklopaketы, New Projects dyvanы, MODERN furniture, MCA, refrigerator, mykrovolnovka, TV, lodzhyy zasteklenы, chystoe ceremonial, konserzhka, house in the courtyard, a number of stopping
Contact Information
- Name: Адміністратор сайту
- Phone: +3809754XXXXX show
- E-mail: realtor
- Site: admin
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