НЕОПУБЛІКОВАНО: #22963: 2-room flat, district Center, A comfortable 2-room apartment with a convenient location in the city center
85 000 USD (1 288 USD m²)
Property: Flatscommission 0%
type of property: new buildings with repairtype of deals: sale
Additional Information
A two-room apartment for sale with quality repairs and furniture is located in the heart of the city. The floor in the apartment is laid with tiles and laminate, which gives it a modern look. The apartment has two glazed balconies where you can enjoy a beautiful view and fresh air. The location of the apartment next to the city lake and full infrastructure will provide you with convenience and comfort in everyday life. We invite you to view this wonderful apartment.
Contact Information
- Name: Уляна Кучера
- Phone: +38 050 01XXXXX show
- Phone 2: +38 067 15XXXXX show
- E-mail: ulyana[a]realtor.if.ua
- Site: ulyana
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