НЕОПУБЛІКОВАНО: #22785: 2-room flat, district Center, Large apartment with European renovation and kitchen

90 000 USD (1 169 USD m²)
commission 0%
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Property: Flatstype of property: new buildings with repairtype of deals: sale
Additional Information
An apartment for sale in a new residential complex in the central part of the city. The house will be handed over in the summer of 2024. Nice spacious, two-sided layout. On the territory there are shops, a private school, cafes, pharmacies and everything necessary for a comfortable stay. More detailed information by phone.
Contact Information
- Name: Оля Федик
- Phone: +38 050 96XXXXX
- Phone 2: +38 067 15XXXXX show
- E-mail: olga[a]realtor.if.ua
- Skype: realtor_if
- Site: olga
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