НЕОПУБЛІКОВАНО: #22462: 3-room flat, district Center, Sale of an apartment in a clubhouse with a closed outbuilding

77 600 USD (1 000 USD m²)
commission 0%
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Property: Flatsnew buildingtype of deals: sale
Additional Information
There are 3 bedrooms in the Budinku club type in the central area Їастині Івано-Франківська по вулиці Слави Стецько (колишня вул. Тудора). Монолітно-каркасне будівництво, малоповерхова забудова, всього два під«їзда. In the middle of the winter park, you can still buy it. Located near the elevator, the building is close to the park. Квартира двохстороння. In the room you should visit the gas boiler from the BAXI company. Прибудинкова територія закритого типу д передбачено дитячий майданчик. The plan is for the budding to be released in 2025. The Middle East is in Shevchenka Park, the school and the garden, the Gromadsky school transport, product bazaar, gate center.
Contact Information
- Name: Роман Глушко
- Phone: +38 050 17XXXXX
- Phone 2: +38 067 15XXXXX show
- E-mail: roman[a]realtor.if.ua
- Skype: realtor_if
- Site: roman
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