НЕОПУБЛІКОВАНО: #21249: 4-room flat, district Pasichna, 4 bedroom apartment with furniture on Pasichna Street for sale

85 000 USD (817 USD m²)
Property: Flatstype of property: new buildings with repaircommission 0%
type of deals: sale
Additional Information
Large, spacious, bright, two-sided 4 bedroom apartment on the 1st floor of a brick house, the ground floor is very high. KGD developer. The windows are made of plastic and face the courtyard. The apartment has a large dressing room with fitted wardrobes. The balcony is glazed. All built-in furniture and appliances remain. There is spot lighting, good laminate and tiles. The apartment has its own small basement, which can be descended from the balcony, ie without leaving the apartment. Everything you need is within walking distance - shops, pharmacies, hairdressers and much more, there is a place to park cars.
Contact Information
- Name: Мар`яна Моклович
- Phone: +38 050 17XXXXX
- Phone 2: +38 067 15XXXXX show
- E-mail: realtor.maryana[a]gmail.com
- Site: maryana
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