НЕОПУБЛІКОВАНО: #18950: 3-room flat, district Pasichna, Sale of a three-room apartment on Halytska Street in the residential complex River park 3

type of deals: sale
Additional Information
"RIVER PARK III" is a residential area, the location of which is expected in the area of Halytska-Vytvytskoho Street. This is the third complex in the series "RIVER PARK", which is already well known and so appealed to the residents of Ivano-Frankivsk for its convenience and quality. The third complex promises to be even more attractive and modern.
Contact Information
- Name: Іван Бобик
- Phone: +38 050 15XXXXX
- Phone 2: +38 067 15XXXXX show
- E-mail: realtor.ivanbob@gmail.com
- Site: ivan

Good day, I am reaching out to you based on my interest to invest over €16.2million in your country. I am looking for a potential investment opportunity within your scope of business . Details of the investment proposal will be sent out to you on reading back from you as I deem it necessary to seek for your consent prior to any formal exchange of material information relating to the Subject matter . I look forward to your earliest response , please do contact me directly only via my private email address stated below . Email: fredbeckham711@gmail.com Kind Regards, FRED BECKHAM
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