#18674: 2-room flat, district Center, Sale of one-bedroom apartment in the residential complex Central Town

28 000 USD (444 USD m²)
Property sold! View active offers.
Property: Flatsnew buildingtype of deals: sale
Additional Information
"Mistechko Tsentralne" is a new residential complex in the concept of "city within a city" in the center of Ivano-Frankivsk, next to the Memorial Square. The project of the complex provides a shopping center with a supermarket, a gallery of shops, a food area and entertainment facilities, as well as a school, medical center, several underground parking lots, children«s playgrounds, sports grounds and a gazebo with a pump room of artesian healing water.
Contact Information
- Name: Надія Кузніцова
- Phone: +38 050 01XXXXX
- Phone 2: +38 067 15XXXXX show
- E-mail: realtor.nadija@gmail.com
- Site: Nadija
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