#7421: Ternopil, Hairdressing salon and shop profkosmetyky, Shop in Ternopil

Property sold! View active offers.
Property: Commercial Real Estatetype of property: ready businesstype of deals: sale
A document certifying the ownership: other
Additional Information
Price: 180000 Urgent !!! In-called "connection with traveling abroad. In Ternopil. For sale hair salon and shop profkosmetyky + Shop (even currently profitable!) Less invested in their funds! Works are 1,5roku. The room is a long-term lease. In hairdressing salon 3 working place, you can add another 3-4 places, manicure, pedicure, cosmetologist or more. There is a kitchen with furniture in the cabin - a large aquarium (enjoy many clients, especially children), skilled craftsmen who already have their regular customers and passed many training courses. Shop sells profkosmetyku hair cosmetics. Submitted hair care products from brands such: Barex Italia (we representatives in Ternopil and Ternopol. Reg.), Indola, Estel, Profi Style, Concept, Kallos, Siena, CD, ACME-PROFESSIONAL. You can extend the range - have contacts with other distributors profkosmetyky. There are regular buyers. Turnover of goods in the store computer "yuteryzovano. Check - consumption of goods is carried out by barcode scanners. The base of clients and suppliers. Shop sells profkosmetyku throughout Ukraine - brings more revenue. Site http://orhideya.te.ua Page VC http://vk.com/orchid_sm Group VC http://vk.com/salonshop_orchid
Contact Information
- Name: Ігор Михайлюк
- Phone: +38 050 17XXXXX
- Phone 2: +38 067 15XXXXX show
- Phone: 06735XXXXX show
- E-mail: realtor.ihor[a]gmail.com
- Skype: realtor_if
- Site: bot
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