#18601: Ivano-Frankivsk, district Center, Rent of ready business of cafe

1 550 USD for all
Property: Commercial Real Estatetype of property: building a free appointmenttype of deals: rent
Additional Information
You have a unique chance to do your business in the heart of Ivano-Frankivsk. Cafe "TASTE" for rent. The establishment is filled with a cozy atmosphere, good repair. There are two entrances, one from Chornovil Street and the other from Kruk Street. The room is fully equipped with everything you need to work: - area 155m2 - 3 separate rooms - light power 40 kW - ventilation and air conditioning system - a set of dishes - kitchen equipment The room is completely ready to do.
Contact Information
- Name: Надія Кузніцова
- Phone: +38 050 01XXXXX
- Phone 2: +38 067 15XXXXX show
- E-mail: realtor.nadija@gmail.com
- Site: Nadija
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