#11781: Rozhniativ Raion, смт. Рожнятів, House in Business

type of deals: sale
Additional Information
House during business:The total area of 12m * 18m + 3m * 6m balcony.First floor: office, shop, Kladovo, boiler room, dressing room, and the room was designed in a bakery.Second floor: room under the banquet hall 16m * 8m, 16m * 4m kitchen and storage roomThird floor: 9 rooms, balcony.Land 10 hundred.Central road with. Cream.Water, sewerage, light (phase 3).with. Cream is located 20 km from the resort "Free Winds" and the estate "Ganz" in s. Osmoloda.Osmoloda - attractive place for hiking, there is access to the ridges and peaks Ihrovtsya, Syvulya, catch, Grof, Arshytsi. Also, the period of road from the village. Cream from. Osmoloda are many tracts and natural sites, one of the most famous urochyh urochyshe "Pidlyute."
Contact Information
- Name: Ігор Михайлюк
- Phone: +38 050 17XXXXX
- Phone 2: +38 067 15XXXXX show
- Phone: 06784XXXXX show
- E-mail: realtor.ihor[a]gmail.com
- Skype: realtor_if
- Site: bot
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