#1014: Kolomyia Raion, смт. Отинія, Woodworking company - production pisschano-polymer tiles - equipment for making bricks - Business Ivano-Frankivsk region

price negotiated
Property: Commercial Real Estatetype of property: production facilitiestype of deals: rent
A document certifying the ownership: certificate of ownership
Additional Information
Sold complex productions with production and office space - wood: second tape saws, 7 woodworking machines, kranbalka, production pisschano-polymer tile, equipment for the manufacture of briquettes. Summed power of 80 kW., Security, video surveillance. Land 0.5 hectares, it is possible to increase to 1 ha. The most interesting option orenty.
Contact Information
- Name: Ігор Михайлюк
- Phone: +38 050 17XXXXX
- Phone 2: +38 067 15XXXXX show
- E-mail: realtor.ihor[a]gmail.com
- Skype: realtor_if
- Site: bot
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